We ensure that all our data is checked and correct, this is a hobby to the owners of the site and therefore taking our time and getting it right is what we are known for.
Summary of Indexes
The purpose of these indexes is to help you identify, from a small piece of information about an individual with either the Audley or Aidley surname, the 'Tag' number for that individual. From that 'Tag' number one can identify the branch of the Audley Family the individual belongs and their individual number within that Family Tree.
'Tag' numbers take the following form for example an individual with the 'Tag' {G17} is the 17th individual within Audley Family G. Occasionally tag numbers have two letters for example {ZT12} in this case the first letter represents the relevant branch of the Audley Family and the second letter represents a sub-family within the main family.
The following webpages contain indexes:
Name Indexes This webpage contains indexes by name such that if one simply knows the name of an individual one can identify the 'Tag' numbers of the individual of individuals with that name.
Birth Marriage and Death Indexes This webpage contains Birth Marriage and Death indexes for both the Audley and the Aidley Surname. These indexes are based on the General Register Office (GRO) indexes. In addition for the Audley surname there is an index 'by Registration District'. This index list for each Registration District which branches of the Audley Family registered a birth marriage or death event in that registration district
Census Indexes This webpage contains a number of indexes based on various census so that if you know the location of an individual in a census you can identify the individuals Tag number.
1939 Register Index This webpage contains Audley and Aidley indexes for those people with those surnames that are included in the 1939 registers. The 1939 registers was the registration of the population at the out break of World War 2.
Location Index These indexes identify which branch of the Audley of The Audley Family were living in what County, State, County etc.
Australia and New Zealand Indexes These indexes give the occurrence of the Audley Surname in a number of Australian and New Zealand Birth, Marriage and Death Indexes.
Canadian Indexes These indexes give the occurrence of the Audley Surname in a number of Canadian Birth, Marriage and Death Indexes.
American Indexes These indexes give the occurrence of the Audley Surname in a number of American Birth, Marriage and Death Indexes.
We are always here to help, after all we know how hard to track down and verify information. If you have any information relevant to the Audley family, that you are prepared to share with us please us. Without the help of people and help us increase our knowledge.
Over the years we have learnt a lot, about the Audley family, we check all our data to make sure it is correct. However some errors are bound to have occurred, if you do spot an error please contact us so that we can improve this website.
Keep in touch with what we have been up to via our recent updates page on which we try to keep you up to date with new information on the site and new research we are currently undertaking.