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Audley Families A, AA, AB, AC, AD, AH, AK & AW
The Audley Families described on this page are all related to each other. This family has first been identified in the Parishes of Neston and Shotwick in Cheshire and then around 1800, four brothers moved from Shotwick to Liverpool |
Members of Audley Family AA |
Audley Family ‘A’ is the family when they lived in in Shotwick, Cheshire. Within the parish registers of Shotwick and Neston this family is recorded with the surname ‘Allday’
(file last updated 27th May 2023) |
Audley Family ‘AA’ is the family history of the descendants of Samuel Audley, one of the four brothers of Family ‘A’ that moved to Liverpool
(file last updated 23rd November 2024) |
Audley Family ‘AB’ is the family history of the descendants of John Audley, one of the four brothers of Family ‘A’ that moved to Liverpool
(file last updated 24th November 2024) |
Audley Family ‘AC’ is the family history of the descendants of William Audley, one of the four brothers of Family ‘A’ that moved to Liverpool
(last updated 8th September 2024) |
Audley Family ‘AD’ is the family history of the descendants of Charles Audley, one of the four brothers of Family ‘A’ that moved to Liverpool
(file last updated 9th January 2023) |
Audley Family ‘AH’ the earliest member of this family is {AH1} John Winstanley alias Audley. His parents were John and Ann Winstanley formerly Hughes. Ann the mother of {AH1} subsequently married {AB20} William Audley. Whilst {AH1} is strictly not an Audley he and his family regularily used the Audley surname before changing it back to Winstanley.
(file last updated 16th January 2020) |
Member of Audley Family AC |
Audley Family ‘AK’. This file consists two Families. They are recorded in as single file because of the common forename ‘Peter’ and they both spent time in Liverpool. Family 2 is in someway related to Audley Family ‘AB’, according to the 1851 census {AK2} Peter Audley was living at the same address as {AB31} George Audley in Portsea Hampshire.
(file last updated 10th March 2023) |
Audley Family 'AW' ‘Audley Family AW’ this file consists of a single person who was born George William Woodhead in 1865 in Sheffield he died as George Audley in 1951 in Liverpool. The earliest date he is recorded as George Audley is on his marriage certificate dated 25th December 1906. In the 1891 & 1901 censuses he is recorded as George Woodhead a lodger/ boarder in both cases the head of the household was {AA19} Mary Audley. We have no evidence as to why he change his surname.
(file last updated 15th December 2022 )
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We are always here to help, after all we know how hard to track down and verify information. If you have any information relevant to the Audley family, that you are prepared to share with us please us. Without the help of people and help us increase our knowledge.
Over the years we have learnt a lot, about the Audley family, we check all our data to make sure it is correct. However some errors are bound to have occurred, if you do spot an error please contact us so that we can improve this website.
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