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Published Information about the Barons Audley
This page contains links to transcriptions of various published documents that contain complete or partial family trees regarding the ' Barons Audley'. They are listed in date order of publication and within the transcription tag numbers have been included to relate the individuals in the transcription to the individuals in ' Audley Families ZA; ZC; ZT & ZW' about the Barons Audley. The understanding of the family tree of the early Barons Audley has changed over the years and comments have been include in the transcription detailing where these transcriptions do not agree with the current understanding.
Please be aware that these documents have been personally transcribed and may contain errors, if you think that there may be errors, please check against the original document and advise the website of any errors so that corrections can be made.
Year compiled or Published (Note 1) |
Publication and Author | Comments about the publication |
Created 1597
Published 1920 |
The Pedigree of {ZC20} George Touchet, Lord Audley and created 1st Earl of Castlehaven in 1616 |
The original of this family tree was created in 1597 for {ZC20} George Touchet, the lord Audley who became the first of Castlehaven in Ireland. The original document was copied in 1887 by J Paul Ryland and eventually published in the 'Genealogist' in 1920 This document is referred to by the ' Complete Peerage Volume XII pt 2 (2nd edition)' under Touchet and is dismissed as being not worthy of consideration in the following footnote. ' A fine illuminated pedigree of this family on vellum was drawn up in 1597 for George, Lord Audley, afterwards 1st Earl of Castlehaven [Ireland], and was (1877) penes Sir Richard Brooke, 7th Bart., of Norton. A copy was made by J.P. Rylands in that year and is printed in the 'Genealogist' N.S. Vol xxxvi pp 9-21 Any prdigree drawn up by the Elizabethan Heralds is of course open to suspicion; so as this pedigree differs materially from the proven descent of Tuchet and in the main is not backed by record evidence, no attempt has been made to correlate it with the account given here. This transcription is a copy of that in the 'Genealogist' and is in Latin. Some examples of these inconstincies are given here:
Created 1673 Published 1882 |
by G Ormerod |
This publication published in 1882 contains a copy of the family tree of the Touchets of Nether Whitley and Buglawton that was originally created by Sir Peter Lycester in 1673 |
1675 |
1675 |
Sir William Dugdale |
This publication only covers a few generations of the early Touchets prior to them taking the title Lord Audley.The first two people listed in this family appear are refered to as being 'Contempory' suggesting that they were living around the same time as the main family but Dugdale could not identify a link to the main family. Volume 2 incorrectly states that {ZA14} Joan Audley married {ZT14} Thomas Touchet whereas {ZA14} actually married {ZT18} Sir John Touchet. This error may have occured because {ZT14} Thomas Touchet, who was the father of {ZT18} Sir John Touchet also married a Joan. |
1688 |
Walter Chetwynd |
Walter Chetwynd (1633 - 1693) in 1679 coomenced writing ' A short History of Staffordshire' by 1688 he had only covered the 'Hundred of Pirehill' and his work was never published. This work was published in 1909 and 1914 by the William Salt Archaeological Society and contains additions and corrections based on other society publications. The links below are to: No suitable link has as yet been found to the 1914 publication of the William Salt Archaeological Society. |
1764 to 1768 |
This document differes from current understanding in the following ways:
1841 |
by G F Beltz |
This publication contains 'Biographical Notices of the Knights in the Reigns of Edward III and Rchard II'
1844 |
by Sir T C Banks |
This publication:
1851 (& 1970) |
This document contains a copy of both the 1851 & 1970 editions of Burke's Peerage and highlights the differences between the two editions. This has been done to show how the understanding of the Family History of the Barons Audley has developed over a 120 year period |
1857 |
by William Courthope Esq |
This document is primarily a simple list of those people who were Barons Aldithley or Audley it makes no reference to who they married and does not list other children who did not become the Baron.
1887 |
by GEC |
1896 |
by GEC |
This volume of the First Edition of the Complete Peerage deals with the name Touchet. Rather suprisingly this volume only makes reference to a single individual for a Barony that only appears to have been in existance from 1299 to 1306. I can only conclude that this is for a separate branch of the Touchet family and that this Barony is not related to the Audley Barony. |
1905 |
by J Wedgewood MP |
This is a very comprehensive document but only covers the Barons Audley from the earliest times up to about 1391 when the death of {Z16} Nicholas Baron Audley resulted in the title transfering through marriage to the Touchet Family. The publication makes use of the work of the 'William Salt' Archeological Society which extracted and transcribed many old manuscripts and documents related to the county of Staffordshire. This document
1910 |
by GEC edited by Vicary Gibbs |
This volume of 'The Complete Peerage' contains information about the following Baronies; Audley or Aldithley (of Heleigh); Audley of Hely; Audley or Aldithley; Audley (of Stratton Audley); Audley or Aldithley; Audley of Walden; and Audley of Orier. It should be noted that J Wedgewood MP who wrote 'The Parentage of James de Audley K.G'. above advised on the updating of the Audley Family from edition 1 to edition 2 |
1913 |
by GEC edited by Vicary Gibbs and H A Doubleday |
This volume contains information about the Earldom of Castlehaven created in 1616. The first holder of the title being George Touchet, Lord Audley |
1959 |
edited by G H White |
This Volume contains the Information about the Touchet family prior to them taking the title of Lord Audley following the death of {ZA16} Nicholas Audley (or Aldithley) in 1391. As Lord Audley their family history is contained in the Complete Perage Volume 1 (see above). In 1616 the family became Earls of Castlehaven in Ireland and this part of their family history is contained in volume 3 (see above)
(1851 &) 1970 |
This document contains a copy of both the 1851 & 1970 editions of Burke's Peerage and highlights the differences between the two editions. This has been done to show how the understanding of the Family History of the Barons Audley has developed over a 120 year period |
2015 |
This document compares the Family Trees for the Touchet Family namely that period before 1391 when the Touchet Family through marriage became Lords Audley The 4 volumes compared in this document are:
(Note 1) The documents listed on this page are listed in the order in which the information was compiled, which in some cases is may years before the information was published. One document compares the information in two editions of the same publication 109 years apart. There are therefore two links to that document one from 1851 and the other from 1970.
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